Star Share Trade
Bank of India brings to you an easy, transparent, hassle free and speedy way to trade in a large number of listed securities. No hassle of visiting the Brokers or Bank Branch. Just by click of a mouse or contacting the Brokers over phone you can execute Trade .
We facilitate Trading in securities through Tie up arrangement with the following Brokers. In terms of this arrangement, SB/CD account , Demat Account is maintained with Bank of India. Trading Account would be with the Tie up Brokers and the funds/Shares are transferred to the Bank of India account of the customers on the payout day.

Star Share Trade
Please visit Asit C Mehta investment Interrmediates Limited (ACMIIL) on https://www.investmentz.com/bank-customers/#Option5
Helpline : 022- 28584545, Trading : 022-2858 4444
Email : helpdesk@acm.co.in
Please visit Asit C Mehta investment Interrmediates Limited (ACMIIL) on https://www.investmentz.com/signup

Star Share Trade
M/S. Ajcon Global Services Ltd.as under :-
408,Express zone,A' Wing,
Cello & Sonal Realtors, Near Patel's Western Express Hinghway, Goregaon (E)
Mumbai -400063
Tel No. 022-67160400 Fax No. 022- 28722062
Email : ajcon@ajcon.net ankit@ajcon.net Anuj@ajcon.net

Star Share Trade
Please visit GEPL Capital Limited on https://trading.geplcapital.com/
Helpline 22-66182400; Toll free No 1800 209 4375
Email : customercare@geplcapital.com
Star Share Trade
The following categories of account holders are eligible to enroll for the Online share Trading (OLST) facility.
- Individuals - single or joint account
- NRIs, PIOs
- Proprietor
- Partners
- Trusts etc.
- Body corporate etc
Star Share Trade
Star Share Trade (Online Share Trading)
The on-line trading clients should have their designated Bank account (to which the amounts for buy and sell of shares would be debited/credited) with one of the Bank of India Branches The clients should have a DEMAT account with Bank of India NSDL DPO or CDSL DPO Online Share Trading facility is available to clients of all our Branches having SB, CD or OD Accountand also a Demat account also with Bank of India. Under the concept of 3 in 1 Account (Star Share Trade) the Banking Account, Demat Account and Trading Account of the customers are integrated to make your transactions transparent/seamless. For the customers who have availed the facility of Star Share Trade, Funds/Securities are automatically transferred to their account with Bank of India. There is no need to handover separate DIS or any other Instructions. Those customers who do not have Demat account with BOI may open the same and then integrate the same with SB and Trading Account. Customers may open as many Demat Account as they wish. There is no restriction on Number of Demat Accounts to be opened.
Facilities available
- Delivery based Trading
- Intra day Square off
- Buy Today and Sell Tomorrow (BTST)
- Trade Multiple
- Access to Research and Reports
- Recommendations available on each Trading Day over phone/Email
Introducing Future and Optionsthrough the Tie up Brokers tie up arrangement shortly.
Registration and Documentation
- In order to avail Star share Trade (OLST) facility, customers have to register with any of the above three Tie-up brokers, by filling up and signing the Registration Kit.
- The Registration kit is a booklet comprising of Application Form , Stamped Agreement cum POA (present stamp duty is Rs. 1100/-) and other Annexures
Documents to be submitted for opening a Trading Account (These documents are available with our Tie up Brokers and also with our DPs)
- Account Opening Form
- Stamped Agreement cum POA (Stamp duty for this document is presently Rs. 1100/-) *
- Copy of Pan Card
- Latest Address Proof (Not more than 3 months old)
- One Recent photograph
- One cancelled cheque leaf
Copies of the Documents are to be self attested and also to be certified by the Bank official as "Verified with the original". For documents to be submitted for opening a Demat Account, refer to our Demat Services section. The above Documents are common for both Resident Individuals as well as NRI Clients. However, NRI clients will have to submit certain additional documents for opening a Demat/Trading Account, as per the details available in NRI Section .
Trading Account/Demat account may be opened in one of the following ways :
- By contacting Tie up Brokers authorized representative
- By filling up the contact details of the customer, in BOI website Demat Section
- By calling Helpline of the Brokers
- By sending a mail to the Brokers
- By contacting any one of the Branches of Bank of India/BOI HO- TrBD
Charges for opening a Trading Account is presently Rs. 1100/- details of which are as under:Charges for opening a Trading Account is presently Rs. 1100/- details of which are as under:
Star Share Trade
Log-in Id and Password
On receipt of the Registration kit, respective Broker will register the client , allot them Client Code No and send the log in Id and password to enable client to access the website for trading.
After receipt of the login Id and password, the client can commence Online Share Trading by visiting either Bank of India website i.e. www.bankofIndia.com or the Broker’s website as mentioned above (The customers also have the additional facility of buying/selling securities over phone, by contacting the above Brokers)
For Bank of India DEMAT/Depository Services, including NRIs click hereStar Share Account (On-line share Trading) for NRI / PIO clients
This facility is available to all our NRI customers of domestic Branches / overseas branches / offices. The facility of Online Share Trading is also made available to our prospective customers. Customers who do not have Account with the Bank have to open SB Account and Demat Account with any one of the Bank of India Branches after completing the formalities.
- NRIs/PIOs are required to have two SB Accounts for availing this facility
- The first NRE Account which is a Charge Account, which can be an existing account with any of the Branches of BOI.
- The second NRE Account which is known as PIS (Portfolio Investment Scheme) - SB Account is for routing only securities related transactions. This account has to be opened with one of the three Designated Branches of Bank of India . i.e. Mumbai NRI Branch or Ahmedabad NRI Branch or New Delhi NRI Branch.
- For opening PIS Account, NRI customers may forward the SB Account Opening Form alongwith all the documents to any of the 3 Branches, through their Bankers. Please refer to our Demat Services Section, for Documents to be submitted for opening a Demat Account.
- After opening this PIS Account, the Designated Branch would open Demat/Online Trading Account by obtaining permission from RBI.
- Application can be downloaded from the website of the Brokers or customers can send a message to the Brokers who would arrange to forward the entire sent of documents (Demat SB Account and Trading Account Opening Form) to the customer. The customers may contact our NRI Branches / HO-SDM also for the Account Opening Forms (AOF)
This facility is for investment on repatriation or non-repatriation basis in shares of Indian companies through stock exchange in secondary market under Port-folio Investment Scheme. If they want to apply for IPO/FPO/Rights Issue they can apply through ASBA facility of Bank of India.
On registration, Broker will send Welcome Kit alongwith user ID and Password directly to NRI customer through e-mail. ( by e-mail as well as by secured mean). On receiving PW the customers can start trading in Shares through Internet or over phone.
For all successful online Buy/Sell transactions (including transactions done over phone) , the NRE Account of the customer is automatically debited or credited on the Payout Day. No need to submit DIS or any other document.
On Trade day, or by next working day morning, broker will send Contract Note to the customer.